How To Prevent Someone From Remotely Accessing Your Cell Phone

How To Stop Someone From Accessing Your Phone Remotely

All smartphones have microphones, GPS chips, and other sensors that record and broadcast information about your location and activities all the time. Whether it is locked or not, these sensors are always on.

You may believe your device is turned off, but modern phones have sophisticated software that manages this data in order to save power. GPS tracking is still operational even if the screen is turned off.

In some cases, it may not be able to access the network right away or may enter a sleep state to conserve energy. If the phone emerges from this state and discovers that it can connect to the data network, it will revert to its normal mode of operation and begin uploading data immediately, including whatever was recorded in the interim.

How To Stop Someone From Remotely Accessing Your Phone

It can be difficult to know if you have been hacked and easy to feel like you don't know how to stop someone from remotely accessing your cell phone when you do discover that someone is spying on you. If you have suspicions, you should take action as soon as possible before the hackers can cause serious harm. The first step is removing any suspicious apps or games.

Then, wipe the storage and reset the device to factory default settings. This will completely remove any spyware, as well as the ability for a hacker to spy on you in the future.

Finally, make sure you change all of your device's passwords and log out of all accounts. This will lessen the probability that they will be able to get into your account. Once it is secure, you will want to change the passwords for all of your accounts.

If you simply suspect you may be a victim of hackers, follow these tips.

Use secure iCloud credentials

Apple iCloud logo

Many hackers will focus their efforts on the iCloud database, which stores all of the personal information from your iPhone. To protect your information and keep your password private, it's critical to use a secure password.

Always lock your screen when you're not using it

You should always lock the screen when it's not in use because the best time for your device to be accessed and a spy app installed is while it's unattended. If anyone picks up your phone and notices the lock screen, they will not be likely to attempt installing malware.

Turn off all unnecessary permissions

Turn off all unnecessary permissions for your apps to keep your mobile device secure. You should also uninstall any unused applications. This will also extend battery life considerably and give you more privacy.

Turn off Bluetooth when it's not in use

You should disable Bluetooth if you're concerned about your phone being hacked. Unless you are actively using it, Bluetooth is just another point of entry for a hacker.

Run a good antivirus scanner

Spyware is notoriously difficult to spot. Because some apps only turn on when the hacker logs in, scanning your smartphone on a regular basis is important to prevent remote access to your phone. Antivirus and antispyware software can protect you.

How To Tell If My Phone Is Being Remotely Accessed

Using a good malware scanner and looking for changes in the way your devices operate is the best way to tell if anything has been installed without your permission. Look for obvious signs, such as apps that you did not open being active or events that you did not initiate.

Watch for bugs on your phone

Some malicious apps record everything you do on your cell phone and then upload it to the internet. Be aware of any strange behavior or bugs you notice on the device during your normal daily use. If it worked fine previously but now runs slowly, locks up, or crashes, it could be a sign that an unknown person has gained remote access to your phone. If this happens, make sure that you change all of your security passwords.

Unusually high data usage

Any spyware will have to send the information it collects to the person watching you. Unusually high data usage is a classic indicator that malware is present and is watching where you are and what you're doing.

Notice shortened battery life

Some remote spyware stays connected to the Internat and keeps the camera, microphone, and GPS active which drains your battery quickly. If the battery is running low unusually quickly, it's possible that something malicious is on the system.

Outgoing calls or texts you didn't send

Spyware can be used to make calls and send texts without your knowledge. Unrecognized outgoing calls or text messages may be a sign that phishing attempts are being made against your contacts.

Unusual activity on social media

The majority of malware software will provide remote access to all of your social media accounts, sensitive personal information, and trusted business contacts.

Can someone access my phone remotely?

Yes, it is very easy to do once a spy app has been installed. While most people would think it would be fairly hard to accomplish they also overlook how many outdated applications they are running, each of which is an entry point for gaining remote access to your mobile phone. Having out-dated apps and not applying operating system updates and patches creates security vulnerabilities that someone can use to take over your device.

How can someone access my phone remotely

Hackers use specialized software to control your device and steal your data. These are specialized apps designed to remain hidden and provide the hacker with full control over the device.

Who would be likely to try accessing my phone remotely?

It is fairly common for a suspicious girlfriend or spouse to install a spy app and monitor their partner. If you're in a relationship with a jealous person, or are having an affair, there is a good chance something was installed by them.

Parents will also use this technology for keeping track of their kids and monitoring what they are doing.

If the phone in question was given to you by your employer then your employer may be monitoring you on the job.

Although these are the most likely people that would want to spy on you, there is always the possibility your phone was breached through a malicious app or game you chose to install.

Can someone hack my phone by texting me?

Yes, your phone can be hacked by sending you a link. However, links are only dangerous if you click on them and install an app. This is called phishing and it usually relies on you trusting the person the message is sent from, or deceiving the user into thinking they are installing something else.


The digital age has brought with it an increase in privacy concerns, especially where our handheld devices are concerned. Your smartphone, for all its convenience and indispensability, can also be a gateway for hackers and snoopers trying to gain access to your private information. There are ways to prevent and detect such attempts, from regularly scanning your device for malware to keeping a vigilant eye on your data usage and device performance. Always keep your device updated with the latest software releases and patches, and use secure credentials for all your accounts. Be cautious about lending your phone to others and clicking on suspicious text message links. as these can usually open doors to potential breaches. Moreover, being aware of who in your circle might have a motive can also tip you off to any snooping activity. Remember, your digital privacy is paramount, and it's worth taking all necessary precautions to safeguard it.

About The Author
Ukrainian born, and a self-taught computer security expert. I started hacking when I was 14 and can write code in 5 languages, but have no formal technical education. The edge of technology is what keeps me interested. I cover cell phone tracking, spy apps, cybersecurity, the dark web, and certain gadgets for The High Tech Society.